BECoop tests the implementation of community bioenergy heating schemes in 4 complementary pilot cases with different characteristics, in Spain, Greece, Poland and Italy. In the previous issue of our newsletter, we shared news from our Polish partner. Here, some news from our pilots in Greece and Italy.

Karditsa, Greece

Our partner ESEK has been very active in the Greece region of Karditsa:

  • Participation in a web TV (ΑΝΙΧΝΕΥΣΕΙΣ channel) to discuss setting up energy communities, in the context of a democratized energy transition, highlighting concepts such as energy poverty and energy democracy, with representatives from, the Minoan energy community and more. The recording, in Greek, is available here.
  • Greek media filmed ESEK in a 5-minute video, accessible to a non-Greek-speaking audience: discover in images the facilities of the Karditsa Energy community, producing biofuels from biomass. “The power of energy communities is their members and the common vision for social development at the local community level.”
  • Participation in the discussion panel of a webinar that refers to renewable heating and cooling in Greek Municipalities under the support of Bioenergy Europe. The scope of the webinar was to explore the progress made by a representative number of Greece’s municipalities in the field of renewable heating and cooling, across a wide technological spectrum, and highlighted the path yet to be covered in order to achieve the energy and climate objectives of the RHC sector to the benefit of local communities, regional development and the environment. The recording in English, is available here
  • Participation with a presentation of the BECoop community actions and vision in a conference of the Federation of associations of technical workers in Greece, regarding the protection of the environment and circular economy. The recording in Greek is available here
  • Participation with a presentation of the BECoop community actions and vision in the 4th International Exhibition Verde .tec – Environmental technologies. The exhibition center turned into an innovation workshop, showcasing the most modern green technologies to show. The presentation was done in the context of renewable heating with the use of agro residues and alternative sources of biomass, session.

  • A dedicated info event at the second chance school about the biomass potential in the local level and the social, economic and environmental benefits of the action of the energy community and the renewable energy sources. The Second Chance Schools target people above 18 years old, who have not completed the compulsory secondary education. The institution of Second Chance Schools is a European programme within the framework of the fight against social exclusion. These Schools aim to offer adults opportunities to enter again the education and training system, form a positive attitude towards learning, acquire basic knowledge and skills, enhance their personality and finally, facilitate the access to labour market.



  • Interview “The biomass district heating to curb the cost of energy” given by Fiper’s President Mr. Walter Righini to a national important radio (Radio24.Il Sole 24Ore). Biomass district heating plants apply technologies to filter the fumes that are impossible on a small scale, which makes them among the systems with the lowest emissions of pollutants, reduce the use of fossil fuels and generate a considerable work induced.
  • In the national TV Rai3, starting from min.13 ca. FIPER’s associate Bioenergia Fiemme, talks about the energy policy and models.


  • Workshop: Intervention on the participation of vulnerable consumers in energy communities. The event sought to understand how existing Renewable Energy Communities integrate energy property approach as a cross-cutting consideration in the defined retailing activities.Spanish video link here: