On 22 September 2022, BECoop organised, with the support of W4RES and eCREW as well as WECF, the online event “More women in renewables and energy communities: safeguarding an enabling policy framework”, as part of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) Extended Programme.

The event gathered a group of expert panelists involved in energy transition, gender equality, and female empowerment, and the recording is now available to all.

Experts providing insights were:

  • Jutta Paulus, EU Parliament
  • Katharina Habersbrunner, WECF
  • Yannis Konstas, Q-PLAN
  • Johannes Slacik, Energy Institute, JKU Linz
  • Hemma Bieser, avantsmart – OurPower
  • Saska Petrova, University of Manchester
  • Marilys Louvet, Energy, Climate and Gender, Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF)

A visual briefing summarising key elements from the event is available here.